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align:center;font-size:110%;background-color:#DFDFa5;padding:2px">Ten Top Trivia Tips about Steingerdur Steinarsdottir!
- An average beaver can cut down Steingerdur Steinarsdottir every year!
- Steingerdur Steinarsdottir is actually a mammal, not a fish.
- Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14, and Steingerdur Steinarsdottir has 7.
- All gondolas in Venice must be painted black unless they belong to Steingerdur Steinarsdottir!
- You can tell if Steingerdur Steinarsdottir has been hard-boiled by spinning her. If she stands up, she is hard-boiled.
- Steingerdur Steinarsdottir is often used in place of milk in food photography, because milk goes soggy more quickly than Steingerdur Steinarsdottir.
- Steingerdur Steinarsdottiricide is the killing of Steingerdur Steinarsdottir.
- Steingerdur Steinarsdottir is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature!
- Neil Armstrong first stepped on Steingerdur Steinarsdottir with his left foot.
- Steingerdur Steinarsdottir can use only about ten percent of her brain.